How to Access OneSense Configuration Options

How to Access OneSense Configuration Options

OneSense devices are equipped with a USB port. Using a data transfer USB cable you can access the configuration opetion. This is very useful during the POC (proof-of-concept) phase of a project as it allows you to easily change certain settings - such as how often sensor data will be acquired and transmitted, set the date and time, increase/decrease sensor settling time etc.


  1. OneSense device with USB port and batteries
  2. USB data cable
  3. Windows PC (HyperTerminal or Putty) or MAC computer (Serial

How to Access the USB Menu

  1. Open the lid
  2. Connect batteries and wait until the LED stops flashing
  3. Connect the USB cable to a PC or MAC
  4. Start HyperTerminal or Putty (Windows PC) or Serial (MAC)
  5. Connect the other end of the cable to OneSense. The OneSense' LED will turn on (green). If the LED does not turn on or is red or orange, disconnect the USB cable from OneSense, disconnect batteries. Wait 5-10 sec, connect batteries again, connect USB cable.
Windows only - make sure Windows OS does not block the USB port 
and check Device Manager to find out wich COM port was assigned to OneSense .
MAC only – the device will be displayed in Serial. 
Once you connect to the device a screen will all available options will be 
displayed. The list of available options will depend on the device model –
eg. OneSense Pulse, Voltage, Current, Temperature or Environment and 

How to Configure Putty

Putty Configuration
Putty - Options Controlling Terminal Emulation
Resetting the device or disconnecting batteries will set all variables to their default (factory) values. After completing your tests/POC, please contact us to request a firmware with your preferred settings. 

List of USB Menu Option

[0] Factory Setting

Factory Settings

[2] Sigfox Transmission Rate

Configures the interval between consecutive transmissions of Sigfox messages containing sensor data. Sensor readings are performed just before every Sigfox transmission. Pulse counting (if available) is continuously operational.
Sigfox Transmission Rate

 [3] System Clock

Set time and date
Set Date
Set Time

[4] Device Info 

Device Information

[5] SDI-12 Command Interpreter

Direct user communication with SDI-12 sensors connected to the device. Refer to the datasheet of your sensor for more information on SDI-12 commands.
SDI-12 Command Interperter

[6] SDI-12 Address Dispatcher

Semi-automatic routine to assign addresses for multiple SDI-12 sensors to be connected to an Evvos device. Routine is applied for use cases supporting multiple SDI-12 sensors.
SDI-12 Address Dispatcher

[7] AT Command Interpreter

Direct user communication with the on-board RF module using ATcommands.
AT Command Interpreter

[8] System Clock Calibration

Lead/lag adjustment of the on-board astronomical clock. 
System Clock Calibration

[9] Device Monitor

Data logging function for run-time cyclic reading of device status and battery voltage and logging these values directly to a PC through USB port and cable. This option does not transmit data over the Sigfox network.
Device Monitor

[10] GNSS Monitor

Data logging function for cyclic reading of GPS location and logging data directly to a PC data through USB port and cable. This option does not transmit data over the Sigfox network. Enabled only on devices with GNSS-compatible firmware and GNSS add-on board installed.
GNSS Monitor

[11] GNSS Transmission Rate

Configures the interval between consecutive transmissions of Sigfox messages containing GNSS location data. GNSS location is performed just before the Sigfox transmission.
GNSS Tansmission Rate

[12] mV/uA Monitor

Data logging function for cyclic reading of the connected analog output sensors and logging data directly to a PC through USB port and cable.

[13] Counter Mode

Setting the counting dynamics of supported counters:
  1. Resetting – counter value is cleared after each Sigfox transmission.
  2. Accumulative – counter value is cleared only on device turn-on. Every next pulse increments the value until the max. possible value is reached. For 16-bit counters max value is 65535. After reaching max. value the counter is reset and starts from zero.
Counter Mode

[14] Settling Time for Sensors

Time delay between sensor power-up and sampling measurement. Settling time ensures all transient processes within a sensor due to powerup are finished and thus the readings are within the specified sensor accuracy. Refer to the datasheet of your sensor for required settling (power-up) time.
Settling Time for Sensor

Default Values (Factory Settings)

Default Value 
Sigfox transmission rate 
1x Sigfox message every 15 minutes (96 messages per day)
GNSS transmission rate
1x Sigfox message every 168 hours (once per week)
Counter mode
Settling time for sensors
200 ms
Analog resolution
Analog resolution

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