Relative humidity, temperature, and barometric pressure probe

Relative Humidity, Temperature, and Barometric Pressure Probe (RHTP) - CO2 -% in air (optional)

General Information

Evvos RHTP probe combines meteorological grade sensors for relative humidity, air temperature, and barometric pressure measurements. It is designed to provide high-quality environmental data, real-time measurements, and calculation of multiple derivative parameters. An additional measurement of CO2-percentage (in air) compensated for relative humidity and air temperature is available in the RHTP+CO2 version of the probe.
Relative humidity, temperature, and barometric pressure probe

Relative humidity, temperature, and barometric pressure probe with cable

Relative humidity, temperature, and barometric pressure probe with cable and soalr shield


  1. Environmental monitoring
  2. Weather forecasting solutions
  3. Industrial data acquisition
  4. Precision agriculture/farming
  5. Cold chain and HVAC applications
  6. Internet of things (IoT)
  7. CO2-monitoring in industry/agriculture/farming (RHTP+CO2 version)

Primary Parameters

  1. Relative humidity
  2. Air temperatureBarometric pressure
  3. CO2-percentage in air (RHTP+CO2 version)

Secondary Parameters

  1. Absolute humidity
  2. Dew point
  3. Wet-bulb temperature
  4. Vapour pressure
  5. Saturated vapour pressure
  6. Atmospheric pressure at sea level
  7. Heat index
  8. Mixing ratio
  9. Specific enthalpy
  10. Boiling point of water
  11. Speed of sound in air
  12. Water activity in air


RHTP is a high-accuracy, digital probe. It measures multiple environmental parameters. Due to its low power consumption, versatile electrical interfacing options, and wide-range power supply, the probe is compatible with a variety of battery-operated dataloggers and industrial data acquisition systems. A stainless-steel enclosure in combination with weatherproof electronic circuitries, and durable cable, ensure proper long-term operation even in harsh outdoor and demanding industrial conditions. All primary parameters are sensed by physical sensors. The secondary parameters are calculated, based on values measured by the probe's physical sensors. For optimal results in outdoor applications it is recommended to install a RHTP probe in a solar shield.

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