type = "Generic"
subtype = "System Config"
manualRfMessageRequest (optional) = "Unchanged" | "DAQ" | "GNSS" | "Diagnostic HW"
| "Diagnostic SW" | "Status" | "System Info" | "Connectivity Info" | "Device Info"
| "Specific Info Type 1" | "Specific Info Type 2" | "Specific Info Type 3"
deviceActiveStatus (optional) = "Unchanged" | "Deactivate" | "SwitchOff" | "Normal"
resetDevice (optional) = true | false
resetSettings (optional) = true | false
countingMode (optional) = "Unchanged" | "Resetting" | "Accumulative"
rfDaqTransmissionRate (optional) = "59m" | "23.5h" | "60d" - m means minutes and the value can be
from 1 to 59, h means hours and the value can be from 1.5 to 23.5 but should be
a whole number or end in .5, d means days and the value can be between 1 and 60
rfGnssTransmissionRate (optional) = "59m" | "23.5h" | "40d"
rfOtherTransmissionRate (optional) = "59m" | "23.5h" | "40d"
otherMessagesSelection (optional) = "Unchanged" | "Status" | "Diagnostic SW" | "Diagnostic HW"
| "System Info" | "Specific Info Type 1" | "Specific Info Type 2" | "Specific Info Type 3"
| "Device Clock Status" | "Generic Device Info" | "Generic Connectivity Info"
| "Generic Clock Info" | "Downlink Message" |
downlinkRate (optional) = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 12
settlingTime (optional) = 255 (value must be between 0 and 255) (Settling time[ms] = 50*value)
Examples of Configuration of a Generic Downlink Message of Subtype System Configuration
"type": "Generic",
"subtype": "System Config",
"manualRfMessageRequest": "Specific Info Type 1",
"countingMode": "Accumulative",
"rfDaqTransmissionRate": "59m",
"rfGnssTransmissionRate": "1.5h",
"rfOtherTransmissionRate": "30d",
"downlinkRate": 12,
"settingTime": 255
"type": "Generic",
"subtype": "System Config",
"manualRfMessageRequest": "Unchanged",
"timeToSet": "23:59"
Generic Downlink Message - Clock Config
The following is the configuration for the Generic downlink message of subtype Clock Configuration.

Always use UTC Time.

type = "Generic"
subtype = "Clock Config"
manualRfMessageRequest (optional) = "Unchanged" | "DAQ" | "GNSS" | "Diagnostic HW"
| "Diagnostic SW" | "Status" | "System Info" | "Connectivity Info" | "Device Info"
| "Specific Info Type 1" | "Specific Info Type 2" | "Specific Info Type 3"
downlinkRate (optional) = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 12 | 24
weekday (optional) = "Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thu" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun"
rtcCalibration (optional) = -126 | ... | 126 | 127 (no action)
dateTime (optional) = DateTime must have the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Year must be
between 2023 and 2053.
Example of Configuration of a Generic Downlink Message of Subtype Clock Config
"type": "Generic",
"subtype": "Clock Config",
"manualRfMessageRequest": "Specific Info Type 1",
"downlinkRate": 12,
"weekday": "Mon",
"dateTime":"2023-10-16 23:59:59"
Specific Configuration Downlink Messages
Specific Configuration Downlink messages are used to remotetly re-configure an on-site/in-situ
Evvos devices running certain use case firmware.
Individual content is designed for each use case (only if applicable).
Specific Configuration Message - Subtype 1

type = "Specific Config Type 1"
relaySection = "Unchanged" | "A" | "B" | "All"
sensorFeedback = On | Off
startOn = "12-31" - Date format should be MM-DD. Starting day must be between 1 and 31.
Starting month must be between 1 and 12
repetitionPeriod = 0 | 1 | 2 | ... | 7 - 0-execute only on startOn date, no repetitions,
1-every day, 2-every other day, 3-every 3 days.... 7-every 7 days
irrigationTime1 = "00:00" - Time must have the format HH:mm (24 hour clock).
Hours must be between 0 and 23. Minutes must be devisible by 5.
irrigationOnTime1= 0 | 1| 2 | ... | 120
irrigationTime2 = "00:00" - Time must have the format HH:mm (24 hour clock).
Hours must be between 0 and 23. Minutes must be devisible by 5.
irrigationOnTime2 = 0 | 1| 2 | ... | 120
irrigationTime3 = "00:00" - Time must have the format HH:mm (24 hour clock).
Hours must be between 0 and 23. Minutes must be devisible by 5.
irrigationOnTime3 = 0 | 1| 2 | ... | 120