Downlinks - Messages Sent from a Cloud Application to a Device

Downlinks - Messages Sent from a Cloud Application to a Device

General Information

Donwlink messages are sent from Evvos Cloud Integration Services (CIS) applicaiton to a device.
There are two main types of downlink messages 
  1. Generic Downlink Message
  2. Specific Downlink Message
To access the downlink configuration page click on your device and then select the Downlink Configuration tab.

Generic downlink messages have two subtypes - System Configuration Message and Clock Configuration Message.
The following is the configuration for the Generic downlink message of subtype System Configuration.
type = "Generic" subtype = "System Config"
manualRfMessageRequest (optional) = "Unchanged" | "DAQ" | "GNSS" | "Diagnostic HW"
      | "Diagnostic SW" | "Status" | "System Info" | "Connectivity Info" | "Device Info"
      | "Specific Info Type 1" | "Specific Info Type 2" | "Specific Info Type 3"
deviceActiveStatus (optional) = "Unchanged" | "Deactivate" | "SwitchOff" | "Normal"
resetDevice (optional) = true | false resetSettings (optional) = true | false
countingMode (optional) = "Unchanged" | "Resetting" | "Accumulative"
rfDaqTransmissionRate (optional) = "59m" | "23.5h" | "60d" - m means minutes and the value can be
      from 1 to 59, h means hours and the value can be from 1.5 to 23.5 but should be
      a whole number or end in .5, d means days and the value can be between 1 and 60
rfGnssTransmissionRate (optional) = "59m" | "23.5h" | "40d" rfOtherTransmissionRate (optional) = "59m" | "23.5h" | "40d"
otherMessagesSelection (optional) = "Unchanged" | "Status" | "Diagnostic SW" | "Diagnostic HW"
      | "System Info" | "Specific Info Type 1" | "Specific Info Type 2" | "Specific Info Type 3"
      | "Device Clock Status" | "Generic Device Info" | "Generic Connectivity Info"
      | "Generic Clock Info" | "Downlink Message" |
downlinkRate (optional) = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 12 settlingTime (optional) = 255 (value must be between 0 and 255) (Settling time[ms] = 50*value)
  1. { "type": "Generic", "subtype": "System Config", "manualRfMessageRequest": "Specific Info Type 1", "countingMode": "Accumulative", "rfDaqTransmissionRate": "59m", "rfGnssTransmissionRate": "1.5h", "rfOtherTransmissionRate": "30d", "downlinkRate": 12, "settingTime": 255 }
  2. {
      "type": "Generic",
      "subtype": "System Config",
      "manualRfMessageRequest": "Unchanged",
      "timeToSet": "23:59"
The following is the configuration for the Generic downlink message of subtype Clock Configuration.
Always use UTC Time.
type = "Generic" subtype = "Clock Config" manualRfMessageRequest (optional) = "Unchanged" | "DAQ" | "GNSS" | "Diagnostic HW"
      | "Diagnostic SW" | "Status" | "System Info" | "Connectivity Info" | "Device Info"
      | "Specific Info Type 1" | "Specific Info Type 2" | "Specific Info Type 3"
downlinkRate (optional) = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 12 | 24 weekday (optional) = "Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thu" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun" rtcCalibration (optional) = -126 | ... | 126 | 127 (no action) dateTime (optional) = DateTime must have the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Year must be
      between 2023 and 2053.

  1. { "type": "Generic", "subtype": "Clock Config", "manualRfMessageRequest": "Specific Info Type 1", "downlinkRate": 12, "weekday": "Mon", "rtcCalibration":"-100", "dateTime":"2023-10-16 23:59:59" }

Specific Configuration Downlink messages are used to remotetly re-configure an on-site/in-situ
Evvos devices running certain use case firmware.
Individual content is designed for each use case (only if applicable).

Specific Configuration Message - Subtype 1

type = "Specific Config Type 1" relaySection = "Unchanged" | "A" | "B" | "All" sensorFeedback = On | Off startOn = "12-31" - Date format should be MM-DD. Starting day must be between 1 and 31.
      Starting month must be between 1 and 12 repetitionPeriod = 0 | 1 | 2 | ... | 7 - 0-execute only on startOn date, no repetitions,
      1-every day, 2-every other day, 3-every 3 days.... 7-every 7 days
irrigationTime1 = "00:00" - Time must have the format HH:mm (24 hour clock).
      Hours must be between 0 and 23. Minutes must be devisible by 5. irrigationOnTime1= 0 | 1| 2 | ... | 120 irrigationTime2 = "00:00" - Time must have the format HH:mm (24 hour clock).
      Hours must be between 0 and 23. Minutes must be devisible by 5. irrigationOnTime2 = 0 | 1| 2 | ... | 120 irrigationTime3 = "00:00" - Time must have the format HH:mm (24 hour clock).
      Hours must be between 0 and 23. Minutes must be devisible by 5. irrigationOnTime3 = 0 | 1| 2 | ... | 120

In case you wish to have irrigation event only once per day then ONLY irrigationTime1 must be set.
In case you wish to have irrigation events twice per day then ONLY irrigationTime1 AND irrigationTime2 must be set.
In case you wish to have irrigation events three times per day then irrigationTime1, irrigationTime2, AND irrigationTime3 must be set.

  1. {
      "type": "Specific Config Type 1",              
      "relaySection": "A", 
      "sensorFeedback": "On",

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